
The Secretariat comprises Monty Mukhier (Administrator) based in Geneva, Switzerland; and Geoff Warne (CEO) based in Auckland, New Zealand

Geoff Warne, CEO

Geoff has been involved in the leprosy world since 1981 in a series of management, leadership and governance capacities. After ten years in financial management for The Leprosy Mission in the 1980s, he spent 16 years in senior management roles with the leading organisation providing services for blind people in New Zealand, and acquired an MBA degree during this time. He then returned to London as General Director (CEO) of The Leprosy Mission International from 2006 to 2016. He has been CEO of ILEP since August 2018.

Monty Mukhier, Administrator

Monty has been with ILEP since 2015 and is responsible for managing the ILEP secretariat’s administration, logistics, finances and information resources. He has a BSc in Biomedical Engineering and a MSc in Global Public Health. Originally from Sudan, Monty is very passionate about human rights and particularly interested in the intersection between health and human rights systems in lower income countries. He would like to see an end to the discrimination faced by persons affected by leprosy, and equality in dignity and rights for all.