A Summary of the WHO Leprosy Targets Survey
With 198 respondents, the first survey on indicators around leprosy will be used to develop the WHO’s post-2020 global leprosy strategy, expected to be released in the next year.
In February and March 2019, the Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy (GPZL) distributed a 2030 leprosy targets survey. The results of the survey are available on the GPZL website. In addition to the quantitative results collected by the survey, the GPZL received hundreds of thematic comments. Though these comments were not included in the previous version circulated they are available in the current version. Respondents supported the targets overall; but, emphasised that many are only attainable with active case finding, well-trained healthcare staff, and complete treatment and follow-up. In addition, some targets, while desirable, are not highly measurable. Many respondents offered alternative wording or target suggestions.
The survey was designed with input from ILEP’s Technical Commission and gathered feedback on potential global targets grouped under zero transmission, zero disability and zero discrimination. Its purpose was to help provide input into the World Health Organization’s post-2020 global leprosy strategy and potential global targets for 2030.