Membership Information – Survey reminders

A reminder that we have three surveys out to collect membership information.

  1. WWW survey: We need your help in updating the interactive map on the ILEP website, which provides information on the different ILEP Members, what they are working on (projects) and where they are working (countries). The map was developed at the request of the membership to promote learning and collaboration, and to help target opportunities for joint initiatives. The deadline for this survey is the 1 July 2019. Data submitted in time will be used to update the map ahead of the Members’ Assembly meeting in September 2019.
  2. Country Coordination survey:  ILEP is committed to working at country level with country coordinators to ensure our Member organisations are collaborating and aligning their efforts with national and global strategies to achieve a leprosy-free world. This survey is designed to update the country coordination section on the ILEP website. The deadline for this survey is 1 July 2019.
  3. G-Finder Survey: In recent years, Policy Cures Research and ILEP have collected data from ILEP Members for the G-Finder report which analyses global investment in innovative research and development (R&D) for neglected diseases. The twelfth annual G-Finder survey will record your organisation’s 2018 financial investment data and can be used to report data on leprosy research as well as other NTDs that are included within G-Finder’s scope. Please note that investment into the leprosy vaccine R&D has been added to the G-Finder scope this year. The deadline for this survey is the 14 June 2019.

Please send the completed survey forms or any questions to Monty Mukhier before the deadline.