Open letter to UN member states

People affected by leprosy are among the furthest behind and are experiencing the disproportionate impact of the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Alice Cruz, UN Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members, has written an open letter to UN member states urging a constructive response.

Ms Cruz has gathered a considerable body of evidence about the barriers that people affected by leprosy are experiencing in terms of access to leprosy healthcare, social protections, and basic supplies (such as food, energy for cooking, clean water, soap and PPE equipment). There are particular concerns for older people living in the former leprosy colonies.

Ms Cruz outlines five fundamental principles which should guide states’ medium- and long-term responses to the crisis:

  • Strengthen health systems and ensure continuous access to leprosy health-care programs
  • Expand the scope of national leprosy-related programmes to include targeted action on the social determinants of leprosy
  • Implement comprehensive social protection policies that guarantee full accessibility to persons affected by leprosy as well as poorly educated populations and those living in remote areas
  • Build up grassroots organisations of persons affected by leprosy, as one way of ensuring that relevant information about COVID-19 or similar emergencies reaches all people
  • Work as international partners to support the investment needed for the elimination of leprosy, and the right to the highest standard of physical and mental health of persons affected by leprosy, and the promotion of leprosy related human rights policies