Pep++ in Nepal

Country: Nepal

Location(s): Country wide

Objective is: – To stop the transmission of M. leprae in a previously endemic community, as evidenced by a reduction of the number of new cases of leprosy by 50% in 2024.- To demonstrate the increased efficacy and acceptability of the enhanced post-exposure prophylaxis regimen (PEP++) compared to SDR-PEP.
– To demonstrate the benefit of identifying clusters of known (former) leprosy patients using GIS mapping methods in
targeting the allocation of PEP in blanket chemoprophylactic campaigns.
– To investigate the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding leprosy and persons affected to develop community education and behaviour change interventions that will reduce stigma, improve strategies for early case detection and increase acceptance of Programmes interventions

ILEP Members involved

Bikash Man Singh


Ministry of Health

Physical facilities involved

NLT; as referral center and for capacity building