Projet de surveillance intégrée et de prise en charge holistique des Maladies Tropicales Négligées à manifestations Cutanées (MTN-Cutanées) dans le district de santé de Bafia

Country: Cameroon

Location(s): Bafia Health district

The Inception project for integrated surveillance and holistic management of Neglected Tropical Diseases with Cutaneous manifestations (PSIPH MTN-Cutanée), is based on previous experience of integrated control projects against NTDs implemented by CNLP2LUB and FAIRMED, and aims to strengthen the health system in the Bafia health district, in the Centre region of Cameroon, before gradually extending to other health districts. The project’s intervention strategy relies on strengthening data collection /transmission, reinforcing the health system at district and community level and awareness campaigns, screening and integrated management of cutaneous NTDs.

ILEP Members involved

Mou Ferdinand


Comité National de Lutte contre le Pian, la Leishmaniose, la Lèpre et l’Ulcère de Buruli; hopital de District de Bafia; Health facilities of Bafia health districts

Physical facilities involved

Bafia district hospital