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Location(s): Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh
ILEP Member(s): The Leprosy Mission
Increased participation in active governancae and leadership roles to lead a dignified life through education and sustainable livelihoods for individuals affected by leprosy and other disabilities
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disability · Zero discriminationLocation(s): Bimbo Health District
This project contributes to “facilitating access to sustainable quality health services for vulnerable and marginalised people in the project area, including the detection and management of neglected tropical diseases. 2024- 2026
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disabilityLocation(s): Country wide
ILEP Member(s): American Leprosy Missions, The Leprosy Mission
ALM is supporting the NTDs program to work with the National Health Information System (HIS) and other partners to establish a system for NTDs data management within the HIS.
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disabilityLocation(s): Uttar Pradesh
ILEP Member(s): Effect Hope, The Leprosy Mission
The project supports adults and children affected by leprosy and other disabilities to pursue education, after-school programs, sustainable livelihoods, and find dignity in living through active participation in governance and leadership roles.
Strategic Theme(s): Zero disability · Zero discriminationLocation(s): Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Bihar
ILEP Member(s): Sasakawa Health Foundation
Scholarship program for higher and professional education for children from leprosy-affected families
Strategic Theme(s): Zero discriminationLocation(s): Fathimanagar
ILEP Member(s): Damien Foundation Belgium
Teritiary level care center for leprosy
Strategic Theme(s): Zero disability · Zero discriminationLocation(s): Fathimanagar
ILEP Member(s): Leprosy Relief Canada, Damien Foundation Belgium
Important leprosy referral centre. The project provides tertiary care for leprosy including RCS and ulcer management.
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disabilityLocation(s): Bamako
ILEP Member(s): Fondation Raoul Follereau
Case detection; and care and hospitalisation for leprosy treatment and complications
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disabilityLocation(s): Bago Region
ILEP Member(s): The Leprosy Mission
ICRC Support on Taungoo Dormitory Construction.
Strategic Theme(s): Zero disability · Zero discriminationLocation(s): Minna (Niger State)
ILEP Member(s): The Leprosy Mission
Champaign to eliminate the stigma associated with leprosy
Strategic Theme(s): Zero discriminationLocation(s): Municipality of Baucau and Manatuto
ILEP Member(s): The Leprosy Mission
Improve Leprosy Service Project is designated for 5 years of implementation from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2024, with the intention of supporting the Leprosy Program of the municipalities where the leprosy case is still high, with the aim […]
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disability · Zero discriminationLocation(s): Ambositra
ILEP Member(s): Fondation Raoul Follereau
Case detection, care and hospitalisation
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disabilityLocation(s): Alaotra Mangoro Region
ILEP Member(s): Fondation Raoul Follereau
Case detection, care and hospitalisation
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disabilityLocation(s): Lumbini Province
ILEP Member(s): The Leprosy Mission
This project focusses on Improved health, reduced disability and zero discrimination in an inclusive society.SHG and Co-Operatives will be formed so people affected by leprosy and disability willbe able to lead and run their organization by developing the capacity of […]
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disability · Zero discriminationLocation(s): 3 districts of West Arsi zone in Oromia region
ILEP Member(s): Leprosy Relief Canada, DAHW (German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association)
The project is aimed at finding undetected leprosy patients in Ethiopia’s endemic communities and providing both medical care and socio-economic empowerment. This is to be achieved through active case finding and conducting door-to-door contact screening and community campaigns.
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disability · Zero discriminationLocation(s): West Arsi Region
ILEP Member(s): DAHW (German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association), Leprosy Relief Canada
To improve leprosy case finding, decrease leprosy associated disability and improve quality of life for persons affected through active case finding and livelihood support for marginalized leprosy communities in West Arsi Region
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disability · Zero discriminationLocation(s): Mbali, Koutal, Kebeme
ILEP Member(s): DAHW (German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association)
Support and build up the capacity of local authorities, CS (civil Societies/Organiaions of Persons with Disabilities and Technical Services actors to offer equitable services to vulnerable groups in 10 Municipalities.The objective of the project is to contribute to equitable inclusive […]
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disability · Zero discriminationLocation(s): Bengaluru and Ramanagaram slums (Karnataka state)
ILEP Member(s): Fontilles
The project seeks to eliminate leprosy and improve the quality of life of people affected by the disease, favoring their social integration in Bangalore (Karnataka state).
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disability · Zero discriminationLocation(s): Sangha-Mbaéré Health District
The project aims to contribute to the improvement of the social and health status of the population, particularly the poorest (Aka, Bantu and people with disabilities), by imporving access to sustainable quality health services of NTDs and maternal and child […]
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disabilityLocation(s): Monrovia
ILEP Member(s): DAHW (German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association)
Strengthening the laboratory capacities of the Ganta Leprosy Rehabilitation Centre by improving the implementation and adherence to a quality management system towards the establishment of a laboratory specialized in the diagnosis of neglected tropical diseases
Strategic Theme(s): Zero transmission · Zero disability